Friday, July 30, 2004

A way to reality across generations ?

To feel participating completely to the human "model" allows love and compassion to have their way, and eliminates the need of time. It's a sort of cross-time experience. No feeling of loosing anything, no fear of death, no need of power. That's what can be found if you persevere. But it is a difficult "no-step" to accomplish. Something resists.

Our gordian knot (see previous post) can survive because of the belief that something is to be found... in the future (near or far), something that will allow us to be in the present, just what we are, because we really want to feel the cross time-experience. But there is nothing to be found, everything is already there. That is the most difficult point to accept entirely in all parts of our mind and body.

This is the result of education, that contains many repressive means (hyper moralism, sexual repression, humiliations, punishments, constraint,...). Repression is needed by the older generation to keep the power. The basis of repression is to make believe the child (you or me in the past) that there is one vital crisis situation in which he (us) is responsible. This frighten us, so that we can't feel anymore allowed to stay "naturally" in the state of the human model cross-time experience. This push us "out" in the time, searching continuously for one basic way to re-open the door of this basic participating.

Everybody knows that. You know that. Take a few seconds to remember...

So how could we have accepted to be pushed out of the reality ? This is the education trick that makes us believe that there is something mysterious and better to find ... The mystery of sex, of prestige, of fortune (SPF). Honestly, theses magics are very unclear, aren't they ? But the power of fear and obscurity is big, and it works because of the weakness that obscurity reveals inside us.

And because we are too ignorant (that's true, isn't it ? there is no specific knowledge to BE ;-)), we'll need to learn living in accordance to commonly shared conditions that will allow us to feel participating to the preliminaries of a never coming inner reconciliation. This the conditioning (and exactly the story of Jacob and EsaĆ¼ in the occidental religious traditions) .

All these mechanisms are reinforced by exagerate needs of power through SPF that some people have, due to traumatic and extreme experiences (physichal or psychological, hidden or visible) during their childhood (in most cases they don't even remember). A very few number of persons consciously WANT it to be that way and choose to build the empires of repression. Don't go that way, or you'll die miserably and unreconciliated.

So, be honest, accept that you don't "respect" yourself all the time, and consider that it is not a good reason to be irrespectuous with other people, and particularly children. Give them what they need, primarily love, so that they can live the fundamental complete experience, and better, a way out of obscurity and useless mystery that will arise inevitably in their minds, when they meet the world and our own difficulties.

On the other hand, remember there is no reason to feel guilty because all that began thousand of million years ago ... just relax and let your eyes open, let your mind open, let your heart open. Let be.